Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 22 - 28

This one goes down in the OB history book. Such a fun and cohesive group. Things started out wonderfully with stunning but coolish weather and fantastic reparte. But family matters began to intervene causing a number (the most ever) of people to have to leave (6 out of 15) over the course of the week. We loved meeting "The Fergs" good buddy Mel Hammer and while his hot water heater skills may need sharpening he was a hell of a hand and the boss enjoyed having him around immensely. Pippin and Mikeska were in fine form and the Johnson clan truly rocked the place this week. Talk about a dynamic bunch - Sandy and Kashia only have one speed (all ahead FULL) and Paul was his usual uneffusive, understated self who just can't seem to focus on the positive in life. Cool having Sean make a cameo and great to see Mark Service and John Carmen, although we think john needs a bigger truck. And yes, we did kayak our brains out this week and the rivers were as emerald and perfect as they ever get. Idlewild was a highlight for some and Mike Forster and PJ got the style points up there. Peterson was his cuddly and lovable self and couldn't resist telling us (again) that his 27 visits here have financed everything we have. Really enjoyed seeing Gordon Bainbridge after many years and the inclusion of Janet Zalewski was perfect for group dynamics. The food was truly off the charts with Kendra and Jackie and Dano holding court in the kitchens. The guide staff was nothing short of A plus with Graham C, PK, Zak and Bin leading the charge - kudos to them! I hope all the family disasters that people had to leave for are OK and we were truly sad to lose each and every one who had to leave! cheers and THANKS for coming p

1 comment:

  1. This was easily the best vacation I have ever experienced. The rivers, instruction, comradery, and amenities were fantastic. CTFD/HTFU! Thank you!
